Editor’s note: This is a guest article by Ivan Kardykov from tabit-pro. We’ve invited Ivan to explain the work the tabit-pro team contributed to Qubes 4.1. Welcome, Ivan!

In this article, I’ll briefly describe the code contributions we made to the latest Qubes 4.1 release, most of which focus on improving Windows integration.

OEM activation support

When Windows comes preinstalled on a computer, license activation is based on a certificate embedded in the hardware. Technically, this uses one of the ACPI tables called “SLIC,” which is readable by the host OS. This option is not available in Qubes OS, since each qube is a Xen virtual machine (VM) that has no physical hardware of its own. However, a small change in Xen allowed us to copy the necessary data onto the appropriate memory partition of the VM (thanks to OpenXT for the working patch). This can be done simply by extending the VM configuration with the SLIC data via the libvirt template extension. This fix has been included in stable packages for a long time. In fact, it is also available for Qubes 4.0 users.

Audio support

Audio virtualization in Qubes OS is based on communication between PulseAudio services running in each VM, including dom0 (described in more detail here). Unfortunately, this method is problematic in the case of Windows VMs due to the lack of PulseAudio support in Windows, and attempting to support it independently seems like too time-consuming of a task (see #2624).

An alternative is to use QEMU, which allows for the emulation of different audio devices and docking with PulseAudio. In our case, the main obstacle for this method is the complexity of the connection to QEMU, which is isolated by a stubdomain. We developed a patch that allows for building and starting the necessary components for PulseAudio in a minimal environment with vchan support. We also worked out a separate version for building the stubdomain image with extended functionality (the xen-hvm-stubdom-linux-full package). This mode is activated in HVMs by setting the audio-model feature (using qvm-features) and specifying the type of audio device, for example, ich6. (Device variants are described in the QEMU documentation.)

USB support

We used a similar approach to improve support for USB devices. In the extended stubdomain, we proposed including qrexec and USB-proxy services and including libusb features in QEMU (see qubes-app-linux-usb-proxy). As a result, we didn’t even need to increase the available memory in order to achieve stable operation of the extended stubdomain, although it may be a problem when using some devices (e.g., webcams). There was a question of which controller type QEMU should emulate. After experimenting with different devices, we settled on the NEC XHCI, in part due to the availability of Windows 7 drivers. The activation of this emulation mode in HVMs is done by setting the stubdom-qrexec property (using qvm-features). Details of user testing can be found on the Qubes Forum.

Not only Windows

The advantage of this approach is that there is no need to install guest tools for attaching audio and USB devices, which allows the emulation to be used not only with Windows, but with any OS (e.g., Linux live images, Android x86, and probably ReactOS). At the same time, there are also disadvantages. In particular, the additional workload can slow down the VM and affect the sound quality. (Even at minimum workload, you may notice crackling.)

Qubes Windows Tools

A relatively long time ago, we proposed building all the components of Qubes Windows Tools (QWT) in a Linux environment using MinGW and Wine, which allows us to use our existing CI tools and simplify the maintenance of changes. We also worked a lot on improving the stability of all the components, in particular, eliminating the causes of freezes and performance degradation. In recent weeks, all of our proposed changes have been approved and merged, and the cross-build project has been added as a Qubes OS component. I’m sure everything will be available in the stable repositories soon.


The result of our work is full integration of Windows 7, 10, and 11 in Qubes OS and significant improvements in usability for even inexperienced users.

Thanks to all members of the tabit-pro team, especially Dmitriy Fedorov (@easydozen). Many thanks to Marek Marczykowski-Górecki for his assistance and the Qubes dev team as a whole for their daily work. Special thanks to the Qubes community, especially for their kind words of support.

Ivan Kardykov